The Ladder

The Ladder
The Famous Ladder

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hard Copy Source for Booker T. Washington, 1996

Martin Puryear made the ladder in 1996 out of Wood (ash and maple) and stands 85 feet high.  The ladder is in The Modern Art Mueseum of Fort Worth.


Picturing America, teachers resource book, NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITITES

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Comments on Ladder for Booker T. Washington, 1996

"I didn’t set out to make a work about Booker T. Washington. The work was really about using a sapling...and making a work that had a kind of forced perspective, which made it appear to recede into space faster than it does. It’s an idea I’ve been fascinated with for a long time. It requires a certain length- it’s a piece that couldn’t have been done small. As it was, it was thirty-six feet long. It’s the ideas of diminution in space and the manipulation of that perception that interest me."

- Martin Puryear

Heres a photo that puts the size in perspective

Ladder for Booker T. Washington, 1996